Monday, March 1, 2010


When deciding to do something for Valentines Day weekend, my girlfriend and I thought that it would be really nice if we could do something new, challenging and different together. There was a project that I have been putting aside for quite some time now and no better time to do that then now. So, we made camera strap slip covers. Hurray!

Most find it odd that I have never sewed in my life but it's the truth. First of all, my Jr. High was so poor that we had to go across the city to another school to use their shop/home-ec facilities. Second, I was too macho and into working on the perfect CO2 car and pin hammer in shop that I decided to take an extra shop unit on welding and foundry rather then sew. But now that I have learned to sew, I want to try and make everything I can. It's pretty fun and the options really are infinite. It was so much fun that I even made a slip case for my Classica! Don't tell anyone, but I've been to Fabric Land about 3 times in the last 2 weeks..

Next sewing project on the horizon? I'm going to try and sew a bow tie. Why not? They seem simple enough. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Until then, can I take any orders on straps??




  1. stevie, i really enjoy the last picture. its very reminiscent of nexopia

  2. HAHAH ^^^^

    PS If I give you the material will you make me a strap? I am also jealous of your flash.

  3. LOL, nexopia!

    FPOE: Sure, I can make you one.. for a small price hahaha!

  4. 00o00... i want one! i hate my 'eos digital' one.
